How long should I book in for?

For our first session, where possible it is helpful to book in at least an extra 15 minutes to allow for our initial consultation. This means that you will get a decent amount of hands on time.

Holistic Massage

As a basic guide: 1 hour allows for an in-depth focus over one area or a full body massage, 1 hour 15 minutes may allow for a full body massage with focus in a particular area, 1 hour 30 minutes enables more detailed focus over your whole body, and 2 hours is a great treat for a very relaxed pace with lots of detail all over.

Ayur Yogic Massage

Please note that for Ayur Yogic Treatment sessions needs to be at least 1 hour 30 minutes.

Thai Massage

Thai Massage can be 1 hour, though longer sessions are preferable to give time to include the different aspects of this massage.

Craniosacral Therapy

The first session is 1 hour 15 minutes to include the initial consultation. Subsequent sessions are 1 hour in length.

Massage Tuition

These sessions need to be at least 2 hours

Feel free to contact me and we can discuss how long you may need for your first session before you book it.

How many sessions will I need?

This is a question often asked and is difficult to answer as it really depends on how you use your body day to day, how well your body relaxes and releases and whether you have a current issue that needs addressing or perhaps if you are experiencing a challenging period in your life and would benefit from the extra support and care.

Regular sessions (e.g. weekly, bi weekly, monthly) can bring major health benefits and be a pro active way to look after yourself even if you have no major health issues. As an example, regular massage can reduce incidences of repetitive strain injury (RSI) and stress.

Where you do have a particular issue that needs focusing on, it is often ideal to have a series of treatments at regular (weekly or bi-weekly) intervals to give the benefits a chance to accumulate. In most cases these regular treatments should not need to exceed 10 sessions (and will often be less) but it really depends on the severity of your issue and how long the condition has been there.

Craniosacral therapy tends to be more beneficial as a series of treatments as it often takes time for the work to deepen. That said, it is fine to book in just one session to begin with for you to get a sense of the work and whether it is something you want to continue with.

What should I bring with me?

Loose comfortable clothing for Thai massage & Craniosacral therapy, underwear for an Holistic or Ayur Yogic session, and an idea of what you’d like out of the session such as:

  • Postural improvement
  • Pain relief
  • Revitalization
  • Emotional support
  • Nourishment
  • Relaxation & wellbeing
  • or simply the experience of something New!

Can I have a massage if I am pregnant?

Yes! Holistic massage and Craniosacral therapy during pregnancy can be hugely beneficial, addressing issues arising as your body changes, supporting your sense of wellbeing, encouraging a sense of connection with baby. I do not currently work with Thai Massage on pregnant women, though there are practitioners that specialise in this. Ayur Yogic Massage is not suitable during pregnancy due to the stimulating properties of the powder used.

Craniosacral therapy is suitable in all stages of pregnancy.

All stages of uncomplicated pregnancy indicate massage, with specific cautions relating to each trimester.

  • 1st trimester: The first and last trimesters are the times when the fetal attachment is most fragile. Certain cautions include avoiding deep abdominal massage and specific pressure points around the heels and Achilles tendons and the point in the web of the thumb.
  • 2nd trimester: The safest and easiest part of pregnancy. In this stage, usually around 22 weeks, you will no longer want to be face down so the massage will be done with you lying on your side in a supported position, seated, or lying face up.
  • 3rd trimester: In this stage working face up for long periods is avoided as the size and position of the fetus may cause pressure on the abdominal blood vessel that may limit blood flow to your legs. Most of the work will be done with you lying on your side. Care needs to be taken around the legs in case of varicose veins.

What if I’ve been in an accident recently and have whiplash?

Following a whiplash injury, it is preferable to wait for at least 48 hours before coming for a massage to allow the body to best carry out its natural healing process. However, gentle work to relax and reduce shock may be helpful. In the subacute and more established phases of scar tissue formation, massage along with a manipulation technique such as chiropractor or osteopathy can contribute greatly to healing.

Craniosacral is suitable at all times after an accident and can be particularly beneficial for supporting the release of shock from your system.

When shouldn’t I come for a massage?

Contraindications – common medical conditions when massage is best avoided:

  • Infectious skin conditions such as fungal, herpes, impetigo, mites and lice, cellulitis etc generally mean complete, or local, avoidance of massage –if unsure check with your GP. In the interest of avoiding further contagion to yourself and the therapist, please do not come for a massage with an infectious skin condition.
  • Osteoarthritis in acute inflammation
  • Rheumatoid arthritis accept in subacute stages
  • If you have a condition and are unsure whether it is advisable to have a massage, contact me before booking your treatment or check with your GP.

I have a wart/verruca, can I come for a massage?

These are very common and not to be embarrassed about. Massage is fine if you have a wart or verruca. There is debate about how infectious they are, so, to be on the safe side, the therapist will avoid direct contact with them. It is best to mention them to your therapist and ideally to cover them with a plaster before your session.

Do you work to a routine?

The simple answer to this question is ‘no’, and for the holistic massage and thai massage we were not taught a routine. However, given how often I do massages I inevitably develop certain patterns for working particular areas that I have found to be effective, this changes depending on what I find there. In the Ayur Yogic Massage training we were taught a routine which really effectively covers all areas of the body, however, this is usually adapted to suit your needs where appropriate.

What is a “knot”?

As muscles are used, toxins and metabolic waste are released to the surface, and build up between the fibers of the muscle. This build-up will cause muscle fibers to adhere to one another and contract in certain points.

This tightness feels like lumps, or “knots”, or “ropes” when rubbed, and can cause pain, headaches, muscle spasms, numbness, decreased range of motion, and many other symptoms depending on the muscle, and where the adhesion is.

What type of oils do you use?

I mostly use a simple base oil. I am not an aromatherapist so will not generally use aromatic oils, unless you specifically ask for them.

In massage a number of different base oils can be used. The most common ones are:

  • Grapeseed: Good for acne and oily skin. A good oil for those whose skin does not seem to absorb oils easily. One of the most common oils used for massage. This is a fine textured, light green oil with a very low odor. It absorbs well without feeling greasy. It contains vitamins, minerals, protein, GLA and some vitamin E.
  • Sweet Almond: Good for all skin types. A very good massage oil it is beneficial for dry skin and helps relieve itching, soreness and dryness. It is reported to be soothing, healing, lubricating, softening, revitalizing and nourishing. Good for sensitive or irritated skin. This oil is a very pale yellow with a slight nutty odor. It is a little heavier than other oils. It is an excellent skin lubricant and contains olein glyceride linoleic acid. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins.
  • Sesame: Great as an all-over body moisturizer or massage oil. Sesame oil is light and spreads easily over skin. It absorbs readily, with no greasy feeling. This cold-pressed oil is rich in vitamin E, protein, lecithin and minerals – all of which are essential to healthy skin. Sesame oil helps speed healing, prevent drying, softens skin, and even has a natural sunscreen effect.
  • Wheatgerm: This oil is said to stimulate tissue regeneration and is often added to other oil blends because of its antioxidant properties. Not to use full strength as it can be overpowering. Good for aging skin, wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Also good for psoriasis and eczema. May cause sensitization in some individuals. A thick heavy, dark, reddish-orange oil which is slightly sticky and has a strong odor. This oil is rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins, especially vitamin E.

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